Common Questions: Instructor Questions

Please read the suggestions below for answers to common questions.

The logo you upload in "Account Settings" will display on student classroom certificates, so make sure you use a high-quality logo or else it will not print well on the certificate.  You do not have to upload a logo but it is a good sales promotion for you. You cannot add your logo to a regulated certificate.

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  • If you click "Student Skill Eval" in the "Students" tab, you will be able to look up students by either User ID Number or Certificate Number.
  • The student should have one or both of these numbers when they arrive.
  • After locating the student, choose the date of the evaluation and mark that the skill evaluation was passed for the course that you evaluated them on.
  • You may also upload supporting documents such as the skills checklist.
  • The student will be able to print off their completed certificate once they log back into the website.

Performing skill evaluations is a good way to earn extra money without minimal time investment.  If you are listed as publicly viewable on your profile, students will be able to find you on our directory and may contact you for this service.

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Yes, you can click on "Add Student" from the "Students" tab of the Instructor Dashboard to add students who are not associated with a class.  This way, they will be attached to you and may receive weekly refresher emails that mention your name.  You may choose to enter their current certificate expiration date so they will be reminded when it is time to re-certify.  This also makes it easier if you teach them in a future class, as you will only have to associate them with the class instead of signing them up again.

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  • An evaluation schedule allows you to list specific recurring times that you will be available to perform skill (or RQF) evaluations
  • These will show up on ProCourses so students know what times they are able to just stop by for an evaluation
  • We suggest setting times for several months (at least) in advance so students can plan ahead
  • You may wish to schedule a couple of hours at the end of your scheduled normal classroom courses so you have no other costs
  • Do not let people down they will never come back and they will spread bad news about you
  • This feature can be revoked if you do not honor the schedule you set
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  • Certificate credit must be purchased in order to mark students passed in classrooms you teach in order for them to receive certificates
  • Each course may cost a different amount of certificate credit per student
  • An additional cost is required to pass students in a RQF course (be sure to collect this amount when the student comes to the class)
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  • One way you can use the student filter is searching by last name. This will show you all course records for any student matching your search.
  • Another method is by clicking the "Student Activity" numbers. This is a quick way to see at a glance which students have expired, are expiring soon, or have recently certified.
  • Finally, you can generate reports based on certification status, course, and company (if you have sold to companies).
  • While viewing reports, you may edit student records, disassociate students from your account, and print certificates.
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  • You can create companies (or discount-only codes) through "Manage Companies" under the "Account Settings" tab
  • You will have to choose a discount code that will tie employees to the company
  • You can add contact information, address, and even give the company a custom signup page for employees
  • You can also choose which courses will show up on employees' Training Dashboards and whether the company will be paying for employees upfront or whether each employee will pay separately
  • You can also choose whether every employee is required to complete the blended (hands-on skill evaluation) portion where available
  • If you need to provide a larger discount than we provide, contact us and we can negotiate a lower price
  • You will earn commission on any payments made by companies you set up
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As the number of people being diagnosed with COVID -19 increases around the world, we are contacting you to assure you of our continued commitment to you our customers and instructors.

While we have no control over the limitations that may be placed on courses that require contact training, we can assure you that we already have a robust business continuity plan in place and do not expect there to be any interruption to our online courses and customer support services.

Foremost in our minds at this time is the safety and protection of our staff, to achieve this our key personnel will continue to provide support to all our customers while working remotely.  We would be grateful if you make use of our online CHAT system in the first instance as this will make it easier for the support team to provide immediate assistance or to direct your enquiry to the person who can provide you with the information you need.

We will do our best to keep you updated about the impact of the situation as more information becomes available.

We wish you all good health and sincerely hope that this situation passes quickly with minimal consequences to your health and prosperity.

We have produced a free Coronavirus COVID 19 awareness course, with the aim of saving lives by teaching the public how to take precautions against Coronavirus COVID 19.
This course is designed to give the general population life-saving advice about the virus, helping them to avoid catching it and how to safely help someone with it.
Take the course:
The e-learning course can be completed whilst learners are in self-isolation and no classroom is needed so that social distancing can learn at their convenience away from others. The series of video learning aids are available on both desktop and mobile devices and followed by knowledge review questions and a test to complete.
  • Introduction
  • Signs and symptoms
  • Preventing transmission
  • Avoiding the virus
  • Taking precautions
  • Using PPE effectively
  • Self-isolation
  • Coping with stress
  • Coronavirus with pets
Knowing that this course may be distributed widely by companies to their staff, free company dashboards are available to track learners’ progress. Training and HR teams can view who has completed it and what they scored, all in one place.
At the time of filming, countries are closing down, job are being put on hold and people’s lives are in turmoil. ProTrainings advises that individuals follow the ever-changing advice set out by Government and health officials, alongside the factual advice presented in the course.
Take the course: and find out more information on other ProTrainings online courses and classroom courses visit our website.
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  • You must be an approved, publicly viewable, current instructor in good standing with ProTrainings
  • When you create courses on your company dashboard, be sure to mark them as public
  • You may create recurring classes from the Classroom Centre so you can schedule multiple courses at once
  • When students search your postal code on ProCourses, we will show any upcoming courses you are running and allow students to sign up to help you fill your class

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Accessing your free online courses. As an instructor, you will need to complete some free online courses with us. Some are annual, some are three yearly. You will find these in the training section of your dashboard, not the admin section of your dashboard. Data protection is available for you, you just click "begin" and that one has to be renewed every three years, and there is also first aid at work annual refresher available to you, and AED.

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If none of these suggestions answer your question, contact us here.