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Interview: Performing CPR on My Child - Real-life Experience


In this interview, we hear from a parent who faced the harrowing experience of performing CPR on their own child.

Personal Account

"I was babysitting my son, Corey, when suddenly he started fitting and stopped breathing. Here's what happened:

  • Initial Panic: After administering Calpol for a fever, Corey started fitting. I panicked but remembered my recent CPR and first-aid training.
  • Life-saving Efforts: I tried to clear his airways and performed CPR as per my training, alternating between compressions and breaths.
  • Turning Point: After what felt like an eternity, Corey responded and started breathing again briefly.
  • Emergency Response: Neighbours called an ambulance while I continued to support Corey until paramedics arrived.
  • Medical Intervention: At the hospital, Corey received treatment for tonsillitis and an ear infection, which had caused the incident.
  • Gratitude: I credit the CPR training for saving Corey's life. His first words after treatment were 'Daddy', a moment of immense relief.

This experience underscored the importance of CPR and first-aid training, which I had recently undertaken, despite my initial panic.


Reflecting on this ordeal, I am forever grateful for the CPR and first-aid training that equipped me to handle such a critical situation effectively.